Columbia Kermit
000238_news@columbia.edu_Sun Jun 28 04:38:27 1995.msg
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From: les@MCS.COM (Leslie Mikesell)
Newsgroups: comp.dcom.modems,comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: Re: Improved modem dialing for C-Kermit
Date: 27 Jun 1995 23:38:27 -0500
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In article <3sp0m6$rl6@apakabar.cc.columbia.edu>,
Frank da Cruz <fdc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu> wrote:
>It has always been possible to write dialing scripts for C-Kermit,
>exactly as we do for MS-DOS Kermit. C-Kermit also has a built-in
>dialer. If you don't like it and would rather use scripts, you can even
>remove the built-in dialer by building C-Kermit with -DNODIAL.
Yes, I've always done it that way, partly because my modems usually
didn't quite work with the built-in's and partly because I like
to see what's happening when things go wrong. Before you added
the minput script command there might have been some reason to
use the built in version because it can bail out early on BUSY
or NO CARRIER responses instead of timing out, but now that is
fixed. The main reason for bringing up the issue in addition to
wanting a table form for the devices/dialer descriptions is that
my experience indicates that the effort of improving the script
language is more valuable than imbedded dialers.
>: It is still moderately expensive to put an extra analog phone line
>: in everyone's office along with their digital multi-line sets that
>: don't work with modems, plus buying everyone their own modem.
>True, but those digital phone sets, and the PBXs behind them, cost
>truckloads of money already. I know, we have one here :-). Organizations
>that buy them are *supposed* to include provisions for dialin, dialout, fax,
>and answering machine service (ha ha).
Well there are even fewer people who understand phone systems and how
they should be set up than computer systems. When the PBX salespeople
take someone from your organization out to dinner is it the person
who knows this stuff or the person who signs the checks? In our
case we have a nice rack of pooled modems built right into the PBX
and accessable from the digital side. The trouble is, it has never
been possible to upgrade them to go faster than 1200 baud so they
are never used...
>Sigh, it's always something. Well, we are well aware of the need for
>"Winsock compliance", and I hope we will have an interesting announcement
>in this area some time soon (weeks or months, not years).
Great! Like it or not, winsock seems to be the transport of choice
these days.
Les Mikesell